Home remedies

Home remedies and natural cures or medicines made at home from natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, herbs are catching a lot of attention due to its very nature of cure: simple, no side effects, no chemicals, inexpensive, plus the pleasure of being able to cure yourself!. Read on for how all this is useful and how people are using these home made methods in their day to day lives to stay fit and healthy.

A home remedy is a treatment to cure a disease or ailment that employs certain spices, vegetables, or other common items.

 Home remedies may or may not have medicinal properties that treat or cure the disease or ailment in question, as they are typically passed along by laypersons (which has been facilitated in recent years by the Internet) 

Many are merely used as a result of tradition or habit or because they are effective in inducing the placebo effect.[citation needed]

A significant number, however, have been demonstrated to effectively treat ailments such as sprains, minor lacerations, headaches, fevers, and even the common cold

Obviously not, if anything, your health or that of your family is invaluable. Long gone are the days when drugs manufactured in laboratories were popular, when expensive chemical or synthetic drugs were deemed to be the best for our bodies. Apart from the forbidding cost, the side effects that the body has to deal with cannot be ignored. 

This realisation has dawned and people today are going back to natural remedies that humankind has been using for thousands of years.

For natural home remedies, the kitchen is a great place to start. It has almost all the medicines you would possible need at least, to deal with common ailments. 

All this at no or negligible cost, purity, without side effects and dollops of TLC (tender, loving care)! Sounds too good to be true? 

Well, it is just a little awareness and understanding that you need to make the best out of it. Read-up a bit on natural remedies to equip yourself to treat a toddler cranky with colic or diarrhoea.


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